
Design Consulting @ DV:UX

ClearFit is a web-app to help you find the perfect employee.

While working as an UX designer at DV:UX, I worked on an application for ClearFit. Clear Fit is a company specializing in applicant job fit analysis. I worked on this project from the beginning, building off of simple pre-existing designs provided by the company. I had the opportunity to see the project through from beginning to end, and worked closely with a visual designer, UX researcher and developers. This project was managed by Macadamian.

The design process began in Balsamiq and was iterated upon in Illustrator. Original designs were heavily influenced by heat-maps, tiled-dashboards seen in Metro and websites such as Polyvore. However, throughout the process of working with the client, visual designer and test users, the design was modified to behave more like an interactive list. Building off the knowledge that many users only had 1-10 job postings at a time, and that the the applicants would be primarily sorted by which jobs they had applied to, the overall work-flow was modified.